Las Vegas

 Two years ago,we stayed three night when we went to Ground Circle.
We stayed two night to the motel this time.

Red Rock Canyon
 In broad acres, there is a mountain of the rock that a red stripe enters.
It takes enough half a day even if it rounds with the car.

 There was a shop that sold a lot of souvenirs such as ore.
When I said, "Such a big crystal stone cannot be taken home"
The storekeeper gave the noun"Please on the Internet"

 The blue diamond seems to be the glass. I think that it is about $300 a piece .

 Homecoming report
I want to visit to R66 that great country of the United States even times how many,if I have money and free time and staminal.
Though it's regrettable, it's only free time that I has now.
When we ordered the beer, we were asked "Are you 20 years old or more?" We were very surprised and it isn't possible to forget.
However, it was amazed at that ugly metabolic syndrome. I thought that I had to impose the Tonnage Tax on them.
Japan is always receiving a bad influence of the United States. Few children society and gun crime society.
I think that next is metabolic syndrome.
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